Custom software and services

Web Development and
IT Project Management

Bringing your IT projects and business to success

Our company

'Let’s embark on a digital journey together & make your projects thrive.'

Jaromedia designs, develops and maintains efficient and easy-to-use custom software solutions, created with modern technologies.

Equally, we provide IT Project Management services for new and existing projects, as well as such in predicament or with struggling teams and inefficient work practices.

With our 25+ years of experience in IT, we are competent to contribute significantly to your success, with technical strategies and technological concepts.

Our clients and partners value the benefits of our many years of experience in IT, our excellent and proactive communication, thorough way of working, sensitive stakeholder management, strong and creative problem-solving skills, and that we constantly think along and are no blinkered specialists.

As entrepreneurs ourselves, we also understand and take into consideration the business perspective / goals of every step.

Having worked with many reputable clients, law firms and in live environments with highly sensitive data, confidentiality is a matter of course for us. This is one of the pillars of our typically long-term and trustworthy partnerships.

Over the years we have served clients from many different industries and backgrounds in different countries. Below are three examples.

Product Ownership (Scrum), Project Management

For a previously failing AUD 1.2 million eCommerce project we achieved saleability and scalability of the product, and developed a now skill-elevated functioning team.
Before our work started, the project was only burning money and making repetitive mistakes, resulting in highly stressed team members and CEO.

After thorough analysis, we introduced, executed and supervised proper project management, DevOps, Agile SDLC and allocation of responsibilities.
In addition, we continuously identified and balanced stakeholder needs carefully - within the context of the project and business objectives - carrying out thorough task planning / prioritisation accordingly, and fostered effective communication.

Our contribution of key technical strategies and concepts (including SaaS migration, improving software / database design) solved the software's previous performance and scalability issues.

Web Development

Example 1: Besides already using (and constantly expanding) Jaromedia's event-, member management and billing tool for many years, the non-profit and politics-advising 'German Society for Law and Informatics (DGRI)' also required a 'member login' space for e.g. better interaction with its numerous members as well as self-service purposes.

Example 2: A leading online price comparison portal and a white-label online shop provider (cloud) for renowned tech brands together required a solution for synchronising online orders and subsequent order statuses between sellers' respective accounts at both providers.
We created a middleware which integrates into the online shops as an 'App', communicating with both providers via OAuth2-secured REST APIs. A great focus was put on service reliability / fault tolerance, scalability and GDPR compliance.

Our services

We create highly tailored IT solutions for businesses of all sizes from many different industries.

Web Development

We can take care of your web development needs, from start to finish as well as for continuous projects. With our own team, or by integrating with your existing workforce.

We will work closely with you to analyse your requirements, contribute our extensive experience and select the appropriate technologies and methodologies.

For a reliable, performant, secure and user-friendly outcome.

Whether it is a simple tool connecting to your database, automating a repetitive task (i.e. making your organisation's life a little easier).

Or a custom-built complex online service, processing vast amounts of data, connecting to numerous third-party services via APIs, and featuring an eye-pleasing and highly-functional user interface with a login-secured space and the (secure and compliant) handling of personal data.
Oh, and have we mentioned the 150,000 personalised emails you technically need to be able to send out every week, ideally without them ending up in people's spam folders?

IT Project Management

An important part of any project is its effective management. It requires careful planning, organisation, coordination and control to achieve optimal results.

We are competent in (and can support) managing all aspects - which includes a project's scope, schedule, finances, risks, quality and resources.

Our IT and business backgrounds aid in the best outcome. A project manager generally needs to be a tech-savvy person who understands the ins and outs of a web development project.

Examples, amongst others:
Overseeing the project and its progress, establishing effective and open communication, sensitive stakeholder management, keeping the team motivated and solving conflicts, the right task management / collaboration tools, assisting with testing, identifying causes and scenarios that could lead to project failure.

We can also help to build or improve (international) multidisciplinary teams, so that all project tasks can be carried out efficiently and professionally.

Software Engineering

Do you require a solution which is a little less 'web-focused' (e.g. a Desktop application, either stand-alone or as a component/extension of your web-based solution)?

Or something 'closer' to hardware (e.g. scanning barcodes with barcode scanners, or a smartphone app reading RFID/NFC tags)?

In most cases, we can help you with that too. By ourselves or with someone from our network.

Cloud & DevOps

We bridge the gap between IT operations and development to improve communication and collaboration, create more seamless processes, and align strategy and goals for faster, more efficient delivery.

Cloud scenarios - depending on the project - might hold many advantages. We analyse, advise, setup and maintain the best operating infrastructure for your undertakings.

Example DevOps: With pipelines (automated processes and tools), software can be deployed to test, staging and customer systems in a much more orderly, convenient and less error-prone manner. Developers and operations love it, and the advantages become clear almost immediately, but often it first takes some effort to break them free from traditional patterns.

Example Cloud: By changing your strategy from installing and operating web applications individually on your customers' systems ('on-premise') to unified machines in a cloud environment instead (which you control), you solve several problems at once: Customer system incompatibilities and their consequences, scalability, distribution of new software versions, and much more.


With our own broad experience in eCommerce, as well as with numerous online shop system partners with whom we have collaborated, we are able to fulfil almost any task.

We also specialise in creating custom eCommerce solutions.

It is also possible to e.g. incorporate payment service providers into non-online shop systems (for example: PayPal, Stripe, Mollie).


Most web applications also require visual user interfaces with a great experience (UI/UX). We also take care of that.

In addition to the creation of individual designs, we also offer the very cost-effective and fast option of selecting from thousands of international web designers' prefabricated industry- and task-specific templates, and then customising them to your CI and with your content. This is available for HTML websites as well as for online shop systems and CMS.

As we generally separate application code and design in your solution, it requires only manageable effort to switch to other designs later.

Challenges are just opportunities in disguise. Get in touch!

Call us or send an email to discuss your project.